Fija precios de manera más inteligente y sencilla con Beyond
Impulsa tus ingresos: obtén hasta un 40% más de ingresos anuales
Obtén datos de mercado: accede a información en tiempo real a nivel de mercado y de cartera para tomar las mejores decisiones empresarailes
Recibe soporte personalizado: obtén ayuda de un experto en revenue management siempre que necesites
"Having Beyond has helped us a lot in home acquisition for our portfolio. It gives new owners a sense that Yonder is ahead of the curve with our revenue management strategies. We can show owners that by using Beyond, we’re able to generate 17-18% more in revenue for them"

¿Quieres ganar más dinero?
Imupulsa tus ingresos
Se analizan diariamente miles de millones de puntos de datos para fijar precios competitivos de tus anuncios en cualquier mercado.
Obtén datos e información de mercado
Los datos e información de mercado en tiempo real te ayudan a comprender y anticipar las tendencias de tu mercado
Informes prácticos
Analiza los informes de rendimiento que se puedan filtrar por tipo, canales, mercado, ciudad, barrio, y más.
El sistema de Revenue Management mejor clasificado por G2
Clasificado dentro del cuadrante referente de la matriz G2 Grid® para software del sector del alquiler vacacional basado en la satisfacción y la presencia en el mercado Reseñas G2 →
Beyond makes managing my villas a breeze, no need to manually input rates into my Airbnb or Vrbo calendars. The app is smooth and easy to use. Setting up my account only took a few minutes and love the in-app learning, they always have new features and products. I have not emailed the support, because I haven't had any issues. It's easy!
Everything about Beyond is so user-friendly. The staff is always helpful, and they have streamlined pricing for us tremendously.

Beyond behaves as an additional resource to your vacational rental business providing revenue management services to assist in providing accurate data to help maximise occupation and income for our Property Owners. My team and I particularly enjoy the weekly reviews with our account management team who advise changes to be considered in pricing strategy across our entire portfolio of 120 homes
It is simple to use and we had results immediately. This saved us hours of work and we can focus on other parts of our business.

I love how easy it to use. from changes prices to checking Market data. If there is ever anything i m stuck on I can send a quick email asking for help and there is always someone on hand to help. there is never any complicated jargon to understand. Their replys are always quick and easy to understand. Their customer support is excellent. But my absolute favourite part is the monthly review of the prices and performance of each property. The sugestions to raise or lower the prices, or keep them the same is just priceless.

Beyond has changed the way we do business. Their support team is Outstanding.